Hello and Welcome!
A Day in the Life...,  Uncategorized

Welcome and Hello!

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Hello and Welcome!

I have dreamed of starting a blog for many years. But now that I am at the starting line, I'm not really sure how to begin.  So what better place to start than a good ole southern introduction. My name is Callan, and here on this blog I want to share with you a little piece of what I feel to be the most glorious place on earth, Wilderwood Farm.

A place where life is simpler. A place where the only lights you see at night are the twinkling of the stars and the glow of lightening bugs. A place where the only noise you hear is the chorus of a million frogs, and the occasional whip-or-will. This is HOME!

So if you’re into the whole “farm-thing”, or gardening, or wholesome southern cooking, then grab yourself a glass of sweet tea and stick around a bit. We plan to share with you a glimpse of what life is like in the deep south on Wilderwood Farm!


  • LaurenLove

    Callie! I’m so so excited you started a blog! I can’t wait to read about all the animals (especially the chickens and turkeys)! I hope you update all the time. And with recipes, because your insta makes me hungry 🙂